
Nippon Inorganic Colour & Chemical Co., Ltd. was established in 1943 by the merger of Irie Chemicals works, which was founded in 1894, and Tohna Works, which was founded in 1934. During this long history, the company has continued to study and develop new technologies, and to supply to society high-quality products meeting customers' demands.
At present, the company supplies, as major products, molybdenum and tungsten compounds as well as heteropoly acid, which has recently attracted people's attention.

Company profile

Company profile image

The corporate data of Nippon Inorganic Colour & Chemical Co., Ltd are introduced.

Message from President

Message from President image

This is the message of President Tetsuo Iida to customers.

Company history

Company history image

The history established by Nippon Inorganic Colour & Chemical Co., Ltd. is introduced.

Company Management

Company Management image

These standards were implemented in order to maintain the qualities of products supplied to customers.

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